
Since 2006 HOSTBLIX has been providing reliable hosting to users from across the world. With a 99.6% online server stability ratio HOSTBLIX has proven itself to be trustworthy and constant. HOSTBLIX servers are located in the USA and are permanently monitored by only the very best on-site technicians.

Serious Designs has been providing personal and prime quality assistance to clients in South Africa since 2005.
The designers at Serious Designs has prided themselves with the very best ideas and manifested visions and strives to bring it to you for less than you can bargain for.

With the fusion of these two quality providers we are now standing here offering you the very best service with the least costs involved. We keep it simple as we know that you would rather be doing something else than worry about a website.
We give specials that are special and discounts without mark-up.

Why should you have a website in the first place?
Well as our CEO believes, “if you look like a million dollars then you can sell your product for half”. Now face it, a company just looks more professional when they have an e-mail address with their name as the domain. Let alone a website… and the more professional your company appears the more sturdy your client base. But let us never forget not to look too tight for people to connect to. These are just facts of psychological business. Then there is the fact that more people search for products and service online, no matter what the demand, than ever before. Websites are the new shop front windows and provides excellent digital/virtual advertisement.

Now if you need more reasons than that then you are going to have to call us to explain it to you…